
We Need Your Help!

The PTO does various fundraising campaigns to help raise money to enrich the educational environment at MSS and LSS. We greatly appreciate direct donations and efforts to raise money using the programs noted below. Your help makes a difference!

Donate Now by clicking the DONATE button or click here to DONATE ONLINE.

DIRECT Donation Campaign: The Direct Donation Campaign will ensure that 100% of donations will go directly to PTO sponsored programs. Click to view our donation form.

HANNAFORD HELPS SCHOOLS: If you purchase participating items, you will receive a $3 coupon with your Hannaford receipt. Simply place the $3 coupon in the tower at Hannaford, and the PTO benefits!

TEXTILE BINS: Located in the Lincoln Street School parking lot. Bring your used clothing, paired shoes, sheets, blankets, and stuffed animals, clean and bagged. Textiles are exported to help families in third world countries. Please do not leave any non-textile items outside of the bins. Doing so results in a littering issue, we have no way of managing unwanted items. Last year we earned nearly $3,000!

BOX TOPS for Education: Our schools earn ten cents per boxtop. Please remember to cut, count and label your envelope with the number of Box Tops included and your teachers name. There is a contest for the most collected from a classroom. The PTO sends in the box tops 4 times a year, Oct, Dec, Feb and May, but you may deliver them to us anytime during the year! Click here for more information on Box Tops for Education.